Euroclear was proud to be one of the main sponsors of PostTrade 360° Nordic 2024 which attracted participants from across the whole of Europe and beyond. 

On Wednesday, 4 September, Suvi Tyni, Chief Business Officer at Euroclear Finland, moderated a panel discussion titled “Bringing the Issuer Perspective.” The discussion focused on the needs and pain points of issuers in the context of common standards and harmonisation.

"Bringing the Issuer Perspective"

"Common standards and related harmonization promise efficiencies in the coming years for financial institutions and investors. But what about the issuers’ perspective? What are their needs and pain-points? Can developments such as SRD, ISO20022, digital voting and hybrid meetings offer meaningful improvements for them? Issuers and financial institutions: what would move the needle in their world?"

The discussion highlighted the importance of understanding issuers’ perspectives to drive meaningful improvements in the financial ecosystem. Everything starts with understanding.

The panel featured distinguished experts (pictured from left to right):

  • Mairtin O’Duinning, Head of Issuer Product Management, Euroclear Sweden
  • Maria Larsson, Senior Legal Advisor, The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
  • Pasi Hiedanpää, Director of Investor Relations and Communications, Scanfill
  • Santeri Suominen, Senior Legal Advisor, Confederation of Finnish Industries

"What's up in the Nordic CSD scene?"

Featuring Euroclear’s leaders Hanna Vainio (CEO, Finland) and Roger T. Storm (CEO, Sweden) on a panel discussion.

In a fragmented and evolving Nordic market, with challenges like TARGET2-Securities implementation and the rise of DLT, our speakers emphasised key strategies to drive market efficiency with transparency and resilience being at the heart of our strategy.

Hanna Vainio highlighted the need to harmonise practices and communication across the Nordics. She expressed the significance of technology as a huge enabler to drive market efficiencies such as exploring Cloud opportunities for CSD production purposes. She also emphasised the role of innovation in connecting issuers and investors more easily, offering data solutions to help them achieve regulatory compliance and accelerate investments.

Roger T. Storm highlighted Euroclear’s focus on business-driven development and vision for growth in the Nordic CSD landscape. This includes acquiring top talent, promoting innovation, and driving standardisation. He also stressed the importance of having a future-ready approach to meet client demands and continue leading the market and improving efficiency.

Other panelists

  • Kristine Bastøe, CEO, Euronext Securities Oslo
  • Niels Hjort Rotendahl, CEO, Euronext Securities Copenhagen
  • Goran Fors, Deputy Head of Investor Services, SEB (moderator of the panel)

Roger T. Storm, CEO of Euroclear Sweden and Hanna Vainio, CEO of Euroclear Finland.

'Together, we are shaping the future of the Nordic CSD landscape.'

Read more about Euroclear's presence in the seminar

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