Programme Collateral Conference 2024

The never normal - Embracing change in Repo

Thursday 14 November

13:45 - 14:25 - The never normal - Embracing change in Repo


The ‘new normal’ for repo markets isn’t on the horizon yet as markets are yet to settle down from years of interest rate changes, regulatory mandates and high volatility. Leading industry professionals will outline their visions of the ‘never normal’ marketplace and its short and long-term implications and challenges. Understand where the market is now and how repo markets are helping normalise excess liquidity. Looking ahead, how would refinancing markets look like in a European T+1 or a mandatory clearing world? Are there opportunities for regulatory arbitrage around the world? ‘Never normal’ will likely be business as usual for repo markets until the turn of the decade, but that also presents opportunities for the agile to take advantage of the opportunities offered.  

Hear the latest market intelligence from the experts.

Moderator: Andreas Biewald - Managing Director, Senior Advisor Cash and Collateral, Treasury Department, Commerzbank