Meet Dan Kuhnel, Head of International (Primary) Debt Capital Markets, Euroclear group, who is from Bolton, Ontario, Canada and works in the Brussels office.  

His passion is the environment and the world we live in. The reason is his youngest son is concerned and worried about what the future holds in terms of the sustainability of our planet. Dan believes that every one of us can do our small part to improve things and make the world a better place to live.

For Dan, an inclusive workplace means that anyone, irrespective of race, religion, nationality, abilities, or disabilities, can work in a safe and secure environment and feel comfortable contributing to the organisation's well-being.

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4 questions with Dan Kuhnel, Head of International (Primary) Debt Capital Markets, Euroclear group, who believes an inclusive workplace means that anyone, irrespective of race, religion, nationality, abilities, or disabilities, can work in a safe and secure environment and feel comfortable contributing to the organisation's well-being.

Dan Kuhnel, Head of International (Primary) Debt Capital Markets, Euroclear group