
Euroclear France

As a market participant, you expect your securities trades to be settled safely, efficiently and at low cost.

In ESES (Euroclear’s CSDs in Belgium, France and the Netherlands), we facilitate settlement on the T2S platform, or via our cross-border links with other CSDs and International CSDs.

We give you control of your activity throughout the transaction life-cycle while working to remove risk from with:

  • high levels of efficiency
  • Straight-Through Processing (STP) Delivery Versus Payment (DVP) Model 1 settlement. In short, we simultaneously transfer securities/funds from the seller to the buyer while sending the proceeds from the buyer to the seller
  • settlement against payment taking place in central bank money in T2S

Settlement on the T2S platform

We provide matching and settlement services outsourced to the T2S platform and let you connect through us or directly.
Whatever you choose, you can still use our services and capitalise on our Eurosystem proximity and unique combination of liquidity, collateral, asset safety and asset servicing solutions.

Cross-border settlement with counterparties in other CSDs and ICSDs

Our aim is to remove the burden of having to manage multiple T2S CSD links.
This is why we let you hold and settle transactions across foreign and international securities with other counterparties (in T2S markets and beyond). We even give you a full range of asset servicing facilities.

Beyond settlement: financing and liquidity management via ESES

Manage your liquidity through financing is simple. We support the mobilisation and transfer of securities, as collateral, to the Eurosystem, and beyond.

How to become a client

Benefit from direct access to the efficient and secure ESES settlement platform. 

Our tariff

Log on to MyEuroclear or go straight through as a guest to view our fees