Become a Client

How to become a client

If you are considering listing your company on the stock exchange, it is a prerequisite that you affiliate with Euroclear Sweden.

In practice, becoming a client of Euroclear Sweden means transferring responsibility for your share register over to us. In the process, your business goes from being a limited company to what is known as a CSD-registered company.

Becoming a CSD-registered company

When we take over the management of your share register from your company’s board, we do so in accordance with a number of provisions set out in the Swedish Companies Act. In practice, this means that the company’s shares and their owners are registered in our securities system. We also make sure that your share register is in order when we take over, lending credibility to the management of company shares and providing reassurance both to regulated marketplaces (stock exchanges) and investors.

We are with you all through the process.


Follow these steps to register your company and its shares with Euroclear Sweden:

1. Amend your articles of association
För att kunna registrera ditt företags aktier hos Euroclear Sweden krävs ett avstämningsförbehåll i bolagsordningen

In order to register your company’s shares with Euroclear Sweden, you will need to add a record day provision to your articles of association.

One prerequisite to register your shares and affiliate your company with us is that you first need to take the decision to add a record day provision to your articles of association. In order to do this, you will need to convene a general meeting to decide on the change. An application then needs to be submitted to the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

2. Get help from an issuer agent
Emissionsinstitut hjälper till under anslutningsprocessen till Euroclear Sweden

Your issuer agent will assist during the process of affiliating with Euroclear Sweden.

You will need to contact an issuer agent at an early stage in the process. An issuer agent is a bank or a brokerage firm that can assist you during the affiliation process. There are around twenty-five issuer agents in Sweden and you are free to choose which one you want to engage.

The issuer agent will verify that your company’s share book is in order – which is a prerequisite for us to be able to carry out the affiliation process.

The issuer agent will also take care of all the practical work involved in registering your company’s shares with us towards the end of the process.


3. Submit the application
Nuvarande aktiebok är viktigastde delen av anslutningsansökan till Euroclear Sweden

Once you have engaged an issuer agent and the addition of a record day provision has been approved in a general meeting, it is time to submit your application for affiliation.

4. The application is approved
När ansökan har blivit godkänd tar Euroclear Sweden över hanteringen av aktieboken

Once your application has been approved, Euroclear Sweden will take over the management of your share register.

Your business will officially become a VPC-registered company on the day we execute the initial issue – i.e. transfer all shares to the company’s issuer agent for further book entry into the shareholder accounts.

(Read more about the process for new VPC-registered companies in the document below in Swedish).

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