Euroclear FundsCo 2024



Light lunch/networking


A word of welcome from our CBO and CEO elect – Valerie Urbain


Panel: Recent and future trends in the funds industry

What are the opportunities and challenges ahead and how will they impact activities across asset classes from mutual funds to ETFs and private-market funds?

Moderator: Dariush Yazdani - Asset and Wealth Management Global Market Research Centre Leader, PwC Partner

Marc Lansonneur - Managing Director, Head of Managed Solutions DBS Bank

Yorick Naeff - Co-founder and CEO, BUX

Ann Prendergast - Head of EMEA, State Street Global Advisors

Travis Spence - Managing director, is Head of EMEA ETF Distribution, J.P. Morgan



Fireside chat with Vincent Clause – Global Head of Funds Strategy and Product Expansion at Euroclear


Panel: The increasing importance and challenges in effectively using data

How can data help asset managers with their distribution strategies and distributors develop their fund selection and sales ambitions?

Moderator: Ben Shepherd - Partner, Head of Value Creation, Triple PE

Bella Caridade-Ferreira - CEO, Fundscape

Arleta Majoch - COO, Impact Cubed

Paul Sheehan - Group Data Lead, ONE group solutions

Terry Yodaiken - Director, Devlin Mambo and Head of Asset & Wealth Management, Armstrong Wolfe



Panel: Transforming access to private market funds

What’s needed to realise asset managers’ evolving distribution strategies and allow distributors to meet their investors new demands?

Moderator: Markus Pimpl - Managing Director, Partners Group

Dani Cukierman - Managing Partner, iFunds

Rashmi Madan - Senior Managing Director, Head of Private Wealth Solutions - EMEA, Blackstone

Fabio Osta - Head of the Alternatives Specialists Team in EMEA Wealth, BlackRock

Laurent Thuillier - Global head of Private Markets, Société Générale Securities Services


Keynote: Helen Sharman – the first British astronaut


Closing remarks from Euroclear’s Head of Group Strategy, Product Management and Innovation – Philippe Laurensy


Networking reception

