New Safekeeping Structure

Effective since 30 June 2010, the International Central Securities Depositories (ICSDs), namely Euroclear Bank and Clearstream Banking Luxembourg (CBL), implemented the New Safekeeping Structure (NSS) for the international debt securities in global registered form as per the requirement of the Eurosystem.

The NSS is mandatory for all newly issued international debt securities in registered form to be recognised as potentially eligible collateral for Eurosystem monetary policy and intra-day credit operations, starting from 1 October 2010.

Key features

  • Registered securities held under the NSS have retain the same legal form as existing Common Global Notes (CGNs) in registered form. The registrar is acts as the legal record keeper.
  • The registered owner is a nominee, wholly owned by the ICSD Common Safekeeper (CSK).
  • NSS are safekept by an ICSD Common Safekeeper (CSK) and serviced by a Common Service Provider (CSP).
  • NSS securities can be issued in either issued in physical form or in electronic form, with the latter option available (starting 3 June 2024)

Impact of this holding structure

International debt securities issued before 1 October 2010 issued after 1 October 2010
in registered form remain potentially eligible until maturity as collateral for:
  • Eurosystem monetary policy
  • intra-day credit operations
must be safekept under the NSS to be recognised as potentially eligible collateral for:
  • Eurosystem monetary policy
  • intra-day credit operations

Further information

NSS in Electronic Global Notes (e-GN)

Effective 3 June 2024, the ICSDs will begin offering issuers and their associated parties, the option to issue NSS Global Notes and related issuance documentation in electronic format. This Global Note, issued and safekept electronically is referred to as e-GN.

The e-GN will exist alongside the current process for physically safekept, wet-ink signed Global Notes. The choice between electronic or legacy physical issuance will be at the discretion of each issuer and their associated parties.

Scope of the NSS (e-GN)

  • New issuances of registered NSS securities
  • Governed by English law and
  • Issued by non-governmental entities (i.e. corporates and financial institutions) located in England and Wales, or Supranational issuers.

Further information

We recommend reading the joint invitation document for detailed information on the main changes and impacts associated with the e-GN initiative.

The ICSDs have introduced two new legal packs in light of this initiative: 

NSS (Physical ) vs NSS (e-GN) - Overview of documentation required by the ICSDs

  NSS physical NSS electronic (e-GN) (as from 3 June 2024)
Global Note Yes (physical only) Yes (only PDF copy via electronic delivery) > amended
New Issuer ICSD Agreement Yes Yes
Common Safekeeper election form Yes Yes
Issuer Effectuation and Disposal Authorisation Yes N/A
Issuer Effectuation instruction Yes (if applicable) N/A
Common Safekeeper Authorisation N/A Yes

Electronic signatures on Global Notes (NGN, NSS and CGN) and issuance documentation

Effective 3 June 2024, for all new issuances (NGN, NSS and CGN) across all issuers’ jurisdictions and irrespective of governing law, ICSD CSK, Commercial Common Safekeepers and Common Depositories will accept electronically signed Global Notes. Additionally, the ICSDs will accept other electronically signed issuance documents besides e-GN. As a result, the legal packs have been updated to include the electronic signature option:

Accepted type of electronic signatures

The ICSDs accept Single Electronic Signature (SES) as a minimum electronic signature level usage for issuer documents. The most commonly seen forms of SES include:

  • a scanned PDF copy of the signed signature page being provided
  • an image of a person’s signature being electronically pasted into an electronic (i.e. soft copy) version of the contract in the appropriate place or
  • a web-based electronic signing platform (such as DocuSign) being used through which the person’s name in typed or handwritten font is automatically inserted into the contract in the appropriate place

Like today for wet-ink signatures, it is required to retain supporting documentation or evidence in relation to the signing of such documents using electronic signatures and have it readily available to provide to the ICSDs upon request. The ICSDs do not require such supporting documentation or evidence in relation to the signing on a structural/pro-active basis.

For further information on the changes to legal documentation regarding electronic signatures, we recommend that you read this joint invitation document.

Issuance documentation templates

Return to
Issuer Effectuation Authorisation for a standalone security destroy option

Important: You must send us each of these documents both by email and post.

  • email:
  • address:

    Euroclear Bank SA/NV
    c/o New Issues operations - CSK (Euroclear Belgium)
    1, Boulevard du Roi Albert II
    B-1210 Brussels

Issuer Effectuation Authorisation for a program destroy option
Issuer Effectuation instruction
Issuer Common Safekeeper Authorisation for a programme
Issuer Common Safekeeper Authorisation for stand-alone securities
Issuer/ICSD agreement for a standalone security
  • email:
  • fax: +32 (0)2 326 1421 (Euroclear Bank)/+44 (0)207 862 7005 (Clearstream Banking)

Issuer/ICSD agreement for a programme
Common Safekeeper election form
  • email:
  • fax: +32 (0)2 326 1421 (Euroclear Bank)/+44 (0)207 862 7005 (Clearstream Banking)


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